

"a portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2014"

{ week twenty : 20/52 }

kaia: on an evening walk and we couldn't resist the beautiful trees in bloom

kendi: curious and amazed by the pretty flowers 



"a portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2014"

{ week nineteen : 19/52 }

kaia: entertaining your sister playing her favorite game, peek-a-boo. 

kendi: adoring your sister while playing peek-a-boo. 



"a portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2014"

{ week seventeen : 17/52 } 

i am a bit behind posting my weekly photos of the girls. so excuse me while i do a little catch up ;) this weeks photos are from the week of April 28. 2014. 

kendi: all smiles after a long afternoon nap on mama and daddy's bed

kaia: the calm hour before bedtime cozied up on the couch

{ weekly photos for the week of april 28 via iphone }


cold snap

a bad cold hit our house. first it was kaia and now it's kendi's turn. it has been a long and very exhausting week, not going to lie. with lots of snuggles and, what seems, nursing around the clock. this little one, unfortunately, doesn't seem to be on the mend just quite yet. but oh dear, do i hope she is feeling better soon. for both her and i. it is so hard to see them not feeling well. and while i enjoy the extra cuddles, it certainly can be hard. and challenging. and exhausting. but when all else fails, playing parachute with the sheets is always a big hit and never disappoints for a smile or two. 

hope you feel better real soon sweet kendi rayne. 

{ leggings are from alpine baby co. go check them out. you will fall in love. }



"a portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2014"

{ week sixteen : 16/52 }

kaia + kendi: watching the two of you snuggle one another to sleep is my most favorite thing to do. dream big my little loves, dream big.