
a family's guide to a healthy home

aaron and i are always looking for ways to keep our home and our family more healthy. i know we're just one family among a large tribe of others that are working just as hard to keep health and wellness a priority. in fact, our society as a whole is working hard too and is more health conscious than ever these days. great efforts are being made every single day to support individuals and families on their journey towards healthy living, which i think is pretty great!  

healthy living, gosh those words can sometimes feel overwhelming can't they? i think those words strung together can often feel as so, but honestly i don't think they have to be. healthy living has it's own definition for each individual person and family. which i find to be beautiful and powerful. what i think it so great is that we can learn so much from each other because of it. 

here in our home, we're trying to make graceful efforts to be more intentional about what helps us live the healthy lifestyle we ever so desire. so what does that look like for us? below i put together a list of things we're doing to help us get there. 

a family's guide to a happy healthy home + some tools to help along the way:

- home environment: at home is where we spend most of our time, so it's important that our environment is the best it can be. our Netatmo healthy home coach helps us out with this by monitoring important variables in our home, like air quality, humidity, temperature, and noise for example. with the winter months around the bend, it's even more important that we pay attention to these details because naturally the windows aren't open as much and the air gets so dry. the Netatmo system will highlight any potential problems and guide us to answers if needed. we also use essential oils to help with this too. a couple drops of thieves in the diffuser helps purify and clean the air, keeping those pesky germs at bay. 

- eating habits: raising little humans is a tough job. but they are working just as hard too, if not more with all the growing they do. establishing healthy eating habits is so important for everyone in the family. when we eat healthy and our bodies are getting good nutrition, we feel healthy and good. 

- sleep does a body good: raise your hand if you love sleep! i don't think i'm alone here. sleep is so important for our minds and our bodies. but quality sleep is even better. we have established routines in our home to help us with this, but variables such as temperature and noise are important factors when it comes to a good night's rest. our healthy home coach is there to alert us when the temperature of the room is too warm or too cool, which is so important with little ones. our home coach is also there to alert us if the girls are being a bit too noisy, which tends to be quite often! what i like about the noise alerting system is that aaron and i aren't the ones to remind them of this all the time. it's been helpful for them to see this alert as a gentle reminder of when it's okay to be our wild selves and when we have to keep things tame. this is also the time when we use essential oils to help relax our bodies and prepare for rest. 

exercise: aaron and i try to schedule an hour a day of some kind of workout. for him it usually always involves going to the gym. for me sometimes it's a long walk with the girls or taking them to the open field by our house and running around with them. whatever it takes, we try to get some form of workout in. it's just as important that the girls get some sort of exercise too. whether that is yoga at home or playing at the park, we try to make it just a much a part of their day as it is for ours. 

i'd love to hear what things you're doing in your home to make it a happy, healthy place to be! 

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