
moments lately

"promise to stay wild with me. we'll seek and return and stay and find beauty and the extraordinary in all the spaces we can claim. we'll know how to live and how to breathe magic in the mundane" - victoria erickson

i'm trying to be more intentional about documenting life at home of my girls using my big camera more. it's so easy nowadays to leave those bigger cameras on the shelf with our smart phones within reach that take the quality of images like they do. but there is something so beautiful about having those larger files on hand too. on my old blog i started a series called moments lately where i would share little snippets of moments within our everyday. i'd like to see that become a regular series here too, so here we go…  

motherhood musings and moments lately at home with my girls. 

one: wild hair and always smiling, kaia at age 6 in all her glory at our neighborhood park

two: catching moments of my three lost in play together with their favorite shimmer and shine dolls from toys r us. this is the kind of moment i would imagine and dream up in my head and now to see it play out, it's one of my greatest blessings.

three: it doesn't take much to put a smile on her face, i love that about her so much. klo at eleven months running off with her sister's toy. such a tease, this one.

four: eleven months later and her room is starting to feel more like her own.

five: my dearest kendi, you beat to the sound of your own drum and teach us so much. your smile my dear, makes me so happy.

six: sibling love

seven: kendi all snuggled up asleep, meanwhile a little someone wants to play.



  1. Love these beautiful captures. I enjoy doing the same thing. And I too find it hard to put my phone away for photos and get out my "real" camera as I call it. :) So worth it!

    Also, do you use the Google Photos app/desktop app? Since I've started using it's made me stay SO much more current with adding photos to my computer. It backs them up real time so then I actually have ALL of my photos wherever I am.

    From one mama to another! :)

    1. Thank you for the tip, dear! I'll have to look into that!

      xo - Kari
