

"a portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2014"

{ week twenty two : 22/52 }

kaia + kendi: while there are nights that you both drift off in your own beds, on the nights when it is just the three of us while our daddy is off at work we snuggle one another until our eyes get heavy and we drift off to a deep calm sleep. it is one of my most favorite things ever and something that i will cherish always. dream the sweetest and biggest dreams my little loves. 


"a portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2014"

{ week twenty one : 21/52 } 

kaia: your curls on hot summer days.

kendi: hammock naps are simply the best and i think you would agree! 

{ weekly photos for June 4th }



"a portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2014"

{ week twenty : 20/52 }

kaia: on an evening walk and we couldn't resist the beautiful trees in bloom

kendi: curious and amazed by the pretty flowers 



"a portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2014"

{ week nineteen : 19/52 }

kaia: entertaining your sister playing her favorite game, peek-a-boo. 

kendi: adoring your sister while playing peek-a-boo. 



"a portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2014"

{ week seventeen : 17/52 } 

i am a bit behind posting my weekly photos of the girls. so excuse me while i do a little catch up ;) this weeks photos are from the week of April 28. 2014. 

kendi: all smiles after a long afternoon nap on mama and daddy's bed

kaia: the calm hour before bedtime cozied up on the couch

{ weekly photos for the week of april 28 via iphone }


cold snap

a bad cold hit our house. first it was kaia and now it's kendi's turn. it has been a long and very exhausting week, not going to lie. with lots of snuggles and, what seems, nursing around the clock. this little one, unfortunately, doesn't seem to be on the mend just quite yet. but oh dear, do i hope she is feeling better soon. for both her and i. it is so hard to see them not feeling well. and while i enjoy the extra cuddles, it certainly can be hard. and challenging. and exhausting. but when all else fails, playing parachute with the sheets is always a big hit and never disappoints for a smile or two. 

hope you feel better real soon sweet kendi rayne. 

{ leggings are from alpine baby co. go check them out. you will fall in love. }



"a portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2014"

{ week sixteen : 16/52 }

kaia + kendi: watching the two of you snuggle one another to sleep is my most favorite thing to do. dream big my little loves, dream big. 



every monday i find my heart aching for one more day. one more day at home with my littles. one more day to spend as a family before the rush of the week begins and we start anew. it is so hard to say goodbye on monday morning. i find myself holding kendi in my arms a little longer before i lay her down in her bed for her morning nap, kissing every inch of her while whispering in her ear how much i love her and will miss her while i am away at work. and kaia, how she begs for me to stay home asking me to play with her, all the while knowing that i will, regretfully, say i can't because i have to get ready for work. followed by, ". . . but i will when i get home."

it's hard. and every monday i seem to fight this crazy game of tug of war that, on occasion, is difficult for me to find the strength i need to pull myself through. but i do. i always, always do.

today was one of those days. indeed, it was a good fight. but i made it through. we made it through.



easter sunday

we celebrated easter close to home this year and it was wonderful. the weather was amazing. 75 degrees, warm sunshine, and a big blue sky was welcomed with much delight and excitement. it was perfect and just what we needed after the long and dreadful winter we had.

aaron had to work for a bit in the morning, so the girls and i ventured over to my mom and step-dad's for breakfast and an easter egg hunt. kaia had a blast finding easter eggs and kept saying, "that easter bunny, he is quite clever that one." i sometimes wonder where she comes up with this stuff ... but i love that she does, because it's little statements like that, that make this life with my littles so incredibly beautiful and joyful.

here are a few moments of our day . . .



"a portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2014"

{ week fifteen : 15/52 }

kaia: messy hair and red lips while playing in the backyard

kendi: feeling the raindrops kiss your face for the first time 



"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2014"

{ week fourteen : 14/52 }

kaia: your curls and giggles and big ol' bear hugs certainly warm my mama heart like no other.  

kendi: playing with your toesies and posing for your eight month photos that mama finally got around to taking. just shy of two weeks late, you were a bit of a challenge to capture this month as you're not wanting to sit or lay still for too long these days.  



"a portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2014"

{ week thirteen : 13/52 }

kaia: puddle jumping and enjoying the spring-like weather

kendi: your love for water is a passionate one. in fact bath time is your most favorite part of the day, i am sure of it. from the second you hear the water drawn to when it is time to drain the tub, you are all smiles and overwhelmed with such joy and excitement it is hard to get you out.  



a portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2014

{ week twelve : 12/52 }

kaia: the week my baby turned four. mama still cannot believe that we have a four year old in the house. you are so excited about being four and have officially been wanting to do everything on your own. happy birthday sweetness. we love you so so much. 

kendi: happy eight months sweet kendi rayne. you love being held, cozy snuggles after nursing, neck kisses, scooting from room to room, warm baths, trying new foods to eat, and playing with your sister who makes you laugh like no other. 



"a portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2014"

{ week eleven : 11/52 }

kaia: your long lashes. your curly hair. the little beauty mark right above the left side of your upper lip, the exact same place as mine. this portrait, this week, is your last as our three year old. my love, next week you embark on a new year. a new journey. and i raise my cupcake up to you, wishing you the best year yet. 

kendi: your first trip, of what will most likely be many, to the fabric store. the largest one in the twin cities area.  


bedtime shenanigans

every night before bed this is what happens. a scheduled nightly performance of our little miss monkey who loves to jump on the bed. and we let it happen every. single. night. bedtime in our house has always been a mixed bag. we have never really been strict on a certain bedtime in our home, which has seemed to work for us so far. since the day kaia was born we have let her set her own sleep schedule and we have simply just followed her suit. of course, there are days when we steer the process a bit more than others. but for the most part, she has naturally set her own time when it comes to sleep and we just + help + guide her routine along. it is what works for her. for us. and for the most part, the results end in a good night's rest. 

i want to remember these details about her. about routines. the mundane and the natural process of her nightly retreat. i want to remember how she needs her stuffed blue bunny + how she tucks in about eight other stuffed animals right beside her, getting them as close as she can to nestle against her body. i want to remember how she prefers her socks off when she sleeps. and how she loves to be read to and prefers her mama to snuggle her to sleep. i want to remember all of it. every. single. bit. of. it.