

"a portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2014"

{ week eight : 8/52 }

kendi: your sweet little toes sticking out while you are nestled in for a long winter's nap // this week you did not sleep the best. you woke up frequently during the night, wanting to nurse more than the norm, and to be extra close, preferably in someone's arms. all signs are pointing to teething. your gums are swollen and i can feel your top two teeth are on the brink of cutting through. i have quickly learned that you want to be extra close during this time. most days you prefer being close, regardless, and wanting to be entertained and in the mix of what everyone else is doing, but when you are teething it seems you want to be even closer. and that, my darling, is perfectly okay. 

kaia: fresh out of the tub and wrapped in your favorite blanket // this week was eventful and one that left huge smiles on your face. you enjoyed school, playdates with friends, sledding with your cousin, visiting with our special friend from chicago, playing in ten inches of fresh snow that fell from the sky late in the week, and your saturday dance class. 



"a portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2014"

{ week seven : 7/52 }

kaia: you are mom's little adventure buddy. this week you came along while i scouted out location spots for a wedding i photographed over the weekend. despite the bitter cold, you enjoyed yourself + did not want to get down from your imaginary tower. there are so many things i love about you, and your imagination and creative mind is one of them. 

kendi: your eyes are always following me around the room. you want to be sure you know where your mama is at all times. if you cannot see or find me, you are sure to let us know by belting out a cry or two. and when you lock eyes with me again, you instantly stop your fuss + give me the biggest smile ever. 


life's moments lately

. . . lazy dog basking in the afternoon light
. . . tiny feet + toes
. . . playing with play dough, sunlight, + crazy hair
. . . nutella snack pack
. . . stuffed friends on a window sill listening in on story time
. . . peeking in
. . . pistachios, a favorite around here
. . . sleeping baby
. . . sisters playing together
. . . little reading nook
. . . follow your bliss



"a portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2014"

{ week six : 6/52 }

kaia: we took a trip to the global market week, where you indulged in a basket of homemade cut french fries. in your words, "fries are your most delicious, most favorite, thing to eat." and that is certainly the truth. you would eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if you would let you, but we know that wouldn't be the healthiest thing to do. so when you get to eat them, you take your time, savoring every bite until your little tummy has had enough and you tell us that you are full. it is quite a treat just to watch you eat them.

kendi: i wish i could stop the minutes from ticking and the hours from passing and the days from changing, because you, my love, are growing way too fast for your mama. these past three weeks especially. you are learning how to sit up and getting stronger by the day. in fact, at the end of this week + the beginning of another, you sat along for five minutes without any supports. those milestone moments are something to celebrate and i remind myself of that when i find my heart mourning over those newborn baby days.


a portrait of my children every week in 2014

{ week six : 6/52 }

kaia: we took a trip to the global market this week, where you indulged in a basket of homemade cut fries. in your words, "fries are my most delicious, most favorite, thing to eat." and that is certainly the truth. you would eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if we would let you, but we know that wouldn't be the healthiest thing to do. so when you get to eat them, you take your time, savoring every bit until your tummy has had enough and you tell us you are full. it is quite a treat just to watch you eat them. 

kendi: i wish i could stop the minutes from ticking and the hours from passing and the days from changing, because you, my love, are growing way too fast for your mama. these past three weeks especially. you are learning how to sit up and getting stronger by the day. in fact, at the end of this week + the beginning of another, you sat alone for five minutes without any supports. those milestone moments are something to celebrate and i remind myself of that when i find my heart mourning those newborn baby days.  



"a portrait of my child once a week, every week, in 2014"

{ week five : 5/52 }

kendi: late afternoon snoozing on mama and dada's bed with your favorite, teddy. on the days you fight your naps a bit more than the norm, snuggling you up on our bed seems to be a quick fix. it could be the way the sun filters in the room or the soft, fluffy blankets that make napping feel like you're on a cloud. whatever the case may be, you simply love it. 

kaia: you are always wanting to be close to your sister. in fact you crawled right into her crib this week and laid next to her, trying to lull her to sleep by singing her "twinkle twinkle little star". my heart literally felt like it was going to explode. your love for her is so evident and profound and we couldn't be more proud of the big sister you are becoming.