
health + wellness // essential oils

"to live a life less out of habit and more with intention and care, creates a reality that can be empowering, invigorating and so incredibly beautiful." 

our family has adopted a new way of life since we opened our home to essential oils. it was about the time our second daughter was scooting about on the hardwood floors of our home that we realized we needed to be more safe with the cleaning products we were using. with a little bit of research and a whole lot of throwing out what we thought were "safe and organic" products, we turned to young living essential oils. and goodness are we forever grateful.

what i love most about using essential oils is how easy they really are to use. we decide which ones to invite into our everyday as it relates to our physical, mental, and emotional well being. whether it be to nurture our bodies after a hard workout or cleanse the air in which we breathe or wiping down our farmhouse table after dinner or brightening the whites in the laundry or our bedtime ritual with the littles, we have blends and bottles ready for use at any given time we need them. i remember when our starter kit arrived on our door step how overwhelming it was. how do we use them? what oils are safe to use around our children? what is a carrier oil? golly the questions were all too much. but with the help and guidance of our essential family members, we found ourselves less overwhelmed and on a fast track to the type of health and wellness we were craving. by choosing a natural lifestyle and being more intentional about how we go about our everyday life, we reclaimed our wellness and overall are living a better, healthier life because of it.

below are some starter tips we found helpful when we first received our oils:

- keep your oils visible. it does no good for them to be stored away unseen and left to be forgotten

- have amber glass spray bottles, dropper bottles, roller bottles, and mason jars on hand so you have them available when you want to make specific blends for specific needs.

- keep homemade blends or the bottle of oil in the room(s) where you find you use them the most. i always have lavender, lemon, purification, and tea tree oil sitting in a small basket in our laundry room so they are accessible when we need them. it has saved us many trips up and down our basement steps, not to mention helped us develop a healthier approach to our laundry routine.
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where to start?

if you would like join the family click here to sign up for a wholesale membership and receive 10% off the original price of $160 when you purchase the premium starter kit. this special promo is only valid for this month only. and to add to your savings, i will personally send you a bottle of orange essential oil with your purchase! we use orange for many things around our home, so it is a perfect oil to add to your kit and have on hand!

what does the starter kit include exactly?

visit young living to explore the premium starter kit and more… but basically the premium starter kits includes the following...

young living essential oils premium starter kit:
- a rainstone diffuser
- lavender 5-ml
- peppermint 5-ml
- lemon 5-ml
- copaiba 5-ml
- frankincense 5-ml
- thieves 5-ml
- r.c. 5-ml
- digize 5-ml
- panaway 5-ml
- stress away 5-ml

you also receive:
- aromaglide roller fitment
- 10 sample packets
- 2 NingZia Red samples
- and product guides and other helpful resources.

still have questions?

email me at livinglifesmoments (@) gmail (dot) com! i would love to help with any questions you may have and get you started on your very own wellness journey!